The WorksAudit Book
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Viewer Development

Getting started with viewer development

  1. Go to https://scm.hue.workslan/company/wap-audit-viewer and clone the repository to local.

Development Guidelines for Developers

This section seeks to set down a series of development conventions and good practices. Also it seeks to resolve the conflicts between the development conventions of the tools used, that in occasions might overlap or contradict each other.

Quick Intro

This project uses the following tools

  • Angular: An application web development framework library that uses Typescript for development.
    • Typescript: A programming language that extends javascript that adds typing, enums, interfaces, generic types & other features. Sourcecode written in typescript compiles to JS to be executed in client (which is the case of this project) & server side.
  • Redux: An application state management architecture/framework based on functional programming paradigm that eases sourcecode maintainability and reduces feature development complexity by isolating components. Also the name of a prominent library framework that implements Redux, which we are not using, we are using NgRx’s store library instead. RxJs along with some function implementation.
  • ng-hue-starter project: A set of reusable components, libs, style sheets and utilities developed for internal use on the company distributed as a boilerplate project. It proposes a lot of configurations.

Project Structure

Project contains following folders and files:

  • app
    • actions —List of angular actions in ts file
    • app-audit-log-viewer
      • components — List of components each having one ts file to convert to js code, one html for view and one unit testing ts file
    • pipes
      • entries
      • highlight-suggest
      • minify-user-id
      • safe-get-attribute
    • reducers
    • selectors
    • services
      • app-configuration
      • auth
      • downloader
      • query
      • reference
      • tooltip
    • utils
  • assets
    • font
    • mock
  • environments
  • resource
    • data — hardcoded data for timezone
    • texts — text resources are read from here
  • package.json — declarion of versions of all external dependent modules

List of frequently used commands

  • yarn test — run unit tests
  • yarn fix — Lint the code
  • yarn build — build dist folder
  • ng — serve start server

Audit Log Viewer. Application Design with Redux

alt text

The Redux architecture framework is based in the concept of a group of system components that don’t interact with each other directly but they send messages to a core component that controls the application state and let know automatically about changes of this state only to the components that are affected by it.

alt text

This document pretends to delve into the design of the UI components, the data structures that describe the application state and the actions that change it.


Application screen teardown

alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text

System UI elements

The app consist of:

  • Search bar
  • Log list
  • Log displaying panel
  • Saved searches facet
  • Advanced search dialog
  • Date filter dialog
  • Saved search edit facet dialog
  • Toast (not shown)

State representation

The following data structures are proposed to represent a certain state of the UI and its behavior.


A data structure that contains the description of a query by providing the desired Log attributes

  • There might exist many filters in the application
  • There’s only one active filter in the application, it is the one that represents the current displayed results and it might differ from what the UI search bar and advanced search dialog display.
  • There is a draft filter, it is the one that represents the current values in the UI and it holds the filtering parameters of a future query
  • There is a saved filters collection that contains the filters that are marked as favorites. They are locally stored and represent the contents of the saved searches facet
  • Filters support serialization operations (for bookmarking, saving, loading and friendly displaying to user)
  • They contain an ID field that will be their reference value for related operations.


  • There might exist many logs in the application
  • The active log is the one that is currently being displayed in the log panel which could also empty in which case the active log is undefined
  • They contain an ID field that will be their reference for related operations.

Action design

[Source] Event
Metadata Side effects
[search bar] add search condition
It is triggered when directly adding a condition to the search bar, not to be confounded with [search bar] input search
  “draftFilter”: Filter
  • Update search bar value
  • Update draft filter
[log panel] add search condition
It is triggered from the log panel when an actionable data value’s label is clicked
  “value”: string,
  “type”: string
  • Update search bar value
  • Update draft filter
[advanced search] add search condition
It is triggered when a filter condition is added from advanced search dialog’s form
  “draftFilter”: Filter
  • Update search bar value
  • Update draft filter
[search bar] input search
It is triggered when writing in the search bar’s text input, this action smartly triggers a search for autocomplete suggestions
  “searchTerm”: string
[search bar] search
It triggers a query api service call
  “activeFilter”: Filter
[saved searches facet] search
Same as above
  “draftFilter”: Filter
[local storage service] show autocomplete suggestions
It is not triggered (directly) by a user’s action, but by the local storage service and when the suggestions are arrive from the server
  “autocomplete”: Suggestion[]
[search bar] open advanced search dialog
It is triggered from search bar’s advanced search button
  • Open Advanced search dialog
[advanced search] close advanced search dialog
This is triggered from the advanced search dialog’s close button
  • Close advanced search dialog
[query api service] close advanced search dialog
It triggers when a search is request of search is send to server, it is not triggered (directly) by a user’s action.
  • Close advanced search dialog
  • Freeze log list and place a loading layout over it
[query api service] show search results
It is not triggered (directly) by a user’s action, but when the server returns the results of the current search
  “searchResult”: Log[]
  • Remove log list overlay
  • Inflate log list
[log list] load more results
It triggers when the user is scrolling down the log list and it is close to get to the list’s bottom
  “activeFilter”: Filter
  • Triggers query api service data fetching
[saved search facet] save search
It triggers when the user clicks on the saved search facet’s save button
  “activeFilter”: Filter
  • Store locally the current filter
[saved search facet] load facet
It triggers when selecting one element of the saved search facet
  “filter”: Filter
  • Replaces the current filter with the saved one
  • Update search bar
  • Trigger the [saved searches facet] search action
[advanced search dialog] clear search
It is triggered from the advanced search dialog’s clear button
  • Discards the current filter and creates a pristine one
  • Update the search bar
[log list] display log panel
it is triggered by selecting one item from the log list
  “log”: Log
  • Show the selected log in the log panel
[query api service] error
It triggers when a query api service call fails
  “error”: string
  • Shows the toast with the error message

Running Locally

For running the project locally install the dependencies (node installation required) and run the angular server like below:

/.../wap-audit-viewer $ npm i
/.../wap-audit-viewer $ ng serve

and check the project running at local port 4200.

Authentication and API Calls Through Development Environment

By default you can login through eva environment by adding /login/{tenant-name}/{landscape-name} to the URL, e.g. http://localhost:4200/login/collabstga/evaluation

If you want to use another environment, please edit src/assets/app-config.json so that the environment points to the one that you want. For example, following snippet shows that the authentication will go through dev environment:

   "name": "local",
   "HOST": "http://localhost:4200",
   "REF_SERVER_URL": "",
   "REGION": "ap-northeast-1",
   "DEVELOPER_MODE": "true"

Skipping Authentication

When the local development is strictly UI (no data required from any of the API services), sometimes it’s practical to skip authentication. To skip authentication:

  1. Make the session be valid unconditionally. Update getSessionStatus() method in auth.service.ts to always return SessionStatus.VALID, like:

    getSessionStatus(): SessionStatus {
        return SessionStatus.VALID;
  2. Comment out the token expiration logic. Update ngOnInit method in app-audit-log-viewer.component.ts. Basically let the method only dispatch the search, like:

    ngOnInit(): void {;


The multilingual text resource is based on a master CSV file. To generate the constant file used by the application, from the repository root run following Python script:

/.../wap-audit-viewer $ python3 build\

Code Linting

For automatically stiling code run the command below before committing:

npm run fix


This requires chrome or chromium installed in your system. If your browser installation is not being located setup the CHROME_BIN variable

Once set you can run the below command:

npm run test


This repository implement CI/CD for deploying the latest build to a evaluation development environment when merging to develop branch (check the deployment script to see which environment is being using currently).

First you need to build the project manually or by running from the project root:

python3 build/ 

For deploying manually from your local machine use the following command from the repository root directory:

python3 build/

You need to add some environment variables for AWS, SonarQube and some optional operation parameters

Variable name required / optional Description / Notes
(AWS authentication variables) required Only The variables you need to set depends on your account, check AWS documentation for more details
SONAR_AUTH_TOKEN optional Only for Required along with GITLAB_API_AUTH_TOKEN for running code quality analysis and report the result to the SonarQube server, you can omit any of them to skip this process. Can be omitted if commenting the run_code_quality_analysis() invocation
GITLAB_API_AUTH_TOKEN optional Only for Required along with SONAR_AUTH_TOKEN for reporting the code quality analysis results to GitLab repo, you can omit any of them to skip this process. Can be omitted if commenting the run_code_quality_analysis() invocation too
DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT_NAME optional For both and Name of the environment where the deployment is to be carried on . Default eva